Become a Member

Be a part of a prestigious group of quality education agents of Nepal

Becoming a IERIN members means adding value to your business. IERIN members are selected group of high profile agents in Nepal working in education consulting industry for more than 5 years.

IERIN conducts yearly evaluations of its members and they must renew their memberships annually Ly fulfilling the membership criteria.

In order to become a member of IERIN. please fill up this form atong with the following documents:

1.    Company Registration Certificats
2.    VAT registration Certificats
3.    Tex clearance certificats
4.    Institution representation certificates (Àt least 3 from any country).
5.    Company profile

Membership criteria
•    Must be actively involved in the consultancy field for 2 years or more.
•    Must be a recognized and ethical educational consultant in Nepal that has a good image in the industry.
•    Must not Le involved in any criminal and dishonest activities.
•    Must represent at least 3 universities or government colleges or private colleges from abroad.
•    Must have standard setup venue of at least 4 rooms.
•    Must have at least three staff - one counselor, one front desk staff and one senior manager. Counselors having international agent certifications like 8EAC. NZIER, ICEF are highly recommended.
•    Must not Le engaged in §ivin§ out misleading and unethical advertisements.
•    Must get reference from two existing members.


Registration Form :

Company Details

Key Person Representing Ierin

Branch Office Details

Countries Your Organization works for


Other documents

Services provided to the students

Note: * Indicate required fields, You must fill the fields !